Bring your science to life through eye-catching ILLUSTRATIONS.

Molecule of the Month

The following figures were created for PDB-101’s Molecule of the Month series. Each figure was designed with a corresponding JMol applet, allowing users to rotate and view these molecules.

MotM #11 | Rubisco

Rubisco is responsible for fixing carbon during photosynthesis. The figure shows the amino acids that stabilize magnesium, an ion key to rubisco’s function.

Interact with the model

MotM #31 | p53

p53 is a key tumor suppressor responsible for initiating cell death when DNA damage is high. The figure demonstrates how p53 binds to DNA.

Interact with the model

MotM #46 | Trypsin

Trypsin is a protease that helps break down protein. The figure demonstrates key amino acids that stabilize target proteins for cleavage.

Interact with the model

MotM #51 | Calcium Channel

The calcium pump helps carry calcium across cell membranes. The figure shows how internal alpha helices change shape in the absence of calcium.

Interact with the model

MotM #50 | Hexokinase

Hexokinase performs the first step in glycolysis, attaching an ATP to glucose. This JMol showcases the shape change hexokinase undergoes when bound to a ligand.

Interact with the model

Molecular Visualization

HIV Exocytosis | Editorial Illustration

Viral particles were sourced from CellPack. Leukocytes were sculpted in ZBrush. Footage was rendered in 3ds Max with VRay.

Educational poster showing the structure of hemoglobin.

Human Deoxyhemoglobin | Poster

X-ray crystallography data was sourced from PDB (4HHB) and processed in VMD. Models were refined, textured, and rendered in Blender using Eevee. Footage was composited in Adobe After Effects.

Glucagon Binding in Two Steps! | Poster

X-ray crystallography data sourced from PDB (6LMK and 5XEZ) and processed in VMD. Models were refined, textured, and rendered in Blender using Eevee. Graphic design elements were crafted in Adobe Illustrator, and render passes composited in Adobe Photoshop.

Epstein-Barr Virus (7BR8) | Vector/Raster Illustration

Protein structures sourced from PDB (7BR8). Models lit in Blender and rendered in Cycles. Line art generated in Blender. Renders and line art composited in Adobe Illustrator and adjusted in Adobe Photoshop.

Proteasome (1FNT) | Vector Illustration

Protein structures sourced from PDB (1FNT). Line art generated in Blender and refined in Adobe Illustrator.

Rhinovirus (1FPN) | 3D Render

Protein structures sourced from PDB (1FPN). Remeshed and lit in Blender. Rendered in Cycles and composited in Adobe Illustrator.

Calcium Pump(1SU4) | 3D Render

Protein structures sourced from PDB (1SU4). Remeshed and lit in Blender. Rendered in Cycles and composited in Blender.

Transmembrane Protein Classification | Slide Figure ( 9 x 3.25” )

Illustration and typesetting designed in Adobe Illustrator.

Print Media

Sentinel of the Sea (Octopus vulgaris) | Poster ( 18 x 12” )

Models were sculpted and painted in ZBrush. Lights, materials, and models rendered in 3ds Max using Arnold. Graphic design and miscellaneous assets created in Procreate and Adobe Illustrator, respectively. Compositing was completed in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects.

CVD Prevention and Rehab in LGBTIQA+ Communities | Journal Figure

Figures illustrated in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Graphic design and text placement accomplished in Adobe Illustrator. Project completed in collaboration with Sam Bond, CMI.

Biomarkers of anti-EGFR resistance in CRC | Graphical Abstract

Figure illustrated and composed in Adobe Illustrator.

Ommaya Reservoir | Journal Figure

Figures illustrated in Procreate. References for skull and brain placement created from 3D models reconstructed from CT data in ImageJ and posed in Blender. Graphic design and illustrations composed in Adobe Illustrator.

Role of BACH1 in TNBC and Hypoxia | Graphical Abstract

Figure illustrated and composed in Adobe Illustrator.

Therapies for Prostate Cancer Metastases | Journal Cover

Models generated from mouse CT data in ImageJ. Models retopologized, textured and rendered in Blender using Cycles. Images composed in Adobe Photoshop.

Pre-Metastatic Niche (2022) | Journal Cover

Concept sketched in Procreate. Assets modeled and sculpted in Blender. Materials generated in Substance Designer and Blender. Final image rendered in Blender using Cycles, and composited in Adobe After Effects.

